



  • 价    格:5100元(含税)
  • 发布时间:2018/1/3 9:18:16
  • 数    量:603个
  • 所在地:河南 郑州





其特点是:材料的化学成分中C、Si、Mn、P、S含量较低,如C<0.08,Si≤0.03,能有效地抗锌的腐蚀。 热镀锌时盛装锌液的容器称为镀锌锅。国内现有的热镀锌锅一般采用厚的08F或05F等优质低碳钢板焊接而成。但是,由于熔融的锌液对于钢铁材料有很强的腐蚀性,使得容器的使用寿命很短。一般来说,国产的热镀锌锅的使用寿命都在3个月~2年。 锌锅:储存生产所需的锌液。锌锅的熔锌量200吨。通过对锌液成分的控制,可提产品高外观质量、机械加工性能及消除一些因锌液成份控制不当造成的产品缺陷。 沸腾钢为脱氧不完全的钢。浇注时钢液在钢锭模内产生沸腾现象(气体逸出),这类钢的特点是钢中含硅量很低,通常注成不带保温帽的上小下大的钢锭。 钢带中各元素对镀锌的影响: 1)碳:含碳量愈高,铁——锌扩散反应愈强烈,铁损失愈大,合金层增厚粘附性变坏。一般用0.05~0.15的低碳钢。 2)硅:硅含量高会使合金层增厚,形成灰色镀层,影响粘附力。一般硅含量小于0.07%的沸腾钢和铝镇静钢作镀锌基板。 3)铜:钢基中铜可减慢酸洗速度,但对热镀锌无坏的影响,同时可提高耐腐蚀性,当制造特殊用途的耐腐蚀镀锌板时,往往选用含铜量为0.2~0.3%的钢种。 4)钛:钢基中含有0.2%的钛对镀锌产生重要的作用,钛是生产低合金高强度镀锌板的主要添加元素,在钢中以TiC和TiN存在防老化有重要的作用。 5)锰、硫、磷、硫含量对锌层结构影响很小,但磷含量在0.15%左右,锌层出现无光泽斑点,粘附性变坏。锌液中金属元素对镀锌的影响: 1)铝:铝是锌液中主要添加成份,一般为0.15~0.22%,铝对镀锌产生重要的影响: A、铝含量达到0.03%可增加锌层光泽; B、加铝可生成极薄的五铝化二铁中间层,并可抑制铁锌合金层的增长,从而提高锌层粘附力; C、铝能影响锌液粘度,使锌层增厚或减薄; D、铝能使耐硫酸铜试验的次数下降; E、过多加铝可降低锌液中铁的溶解度,生成更多的锌渣。 2)铁:有害元素可增中锌液粘度,使锌层变厚,生成底渣。一般控制在0.05%以下。 3) 镉:0.1~0.5%可使锌花增大,到0.5%后可使合金层增厚,韧性降低。一般控制在小于0.03%。 4)铅:有益元素,可改善锌液浸润性,增大锌花。当采用含铅热镀锌法镀锌时,铅一般控制0.06~0.08%。入库库存抗锌腐蚀钢XG08库存品种 材质 厚度 宽度 长度 数量 单重 交货状态抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 6 2200 9000 19.504 0.848 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 8 2480 10000 36.11 1.57 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 8 2500 10000 36.11 1.57 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 8 2500 10000 36.11 1.57 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 10 2300 10000 41.538 1.806 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 10 2500 12000 54.165 2.355 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 12 2200 12000 57.201 2.487 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 12 2300 9010 44.896 1.952 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 14 2300 11000 63.94 2.78 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 14 2670 11800 79.649 3.463 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 16 2665 10200 81.466 3.542 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 16.5 2182 11500 74.75 3.25 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 18 2000 11990 77.924 3.388 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 22 2400 7560 72.059 3.133 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 22 2400 7560 72.059 3.133 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 26 2200 9600 99.153 4.311 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 26 2500 11600 136.137 5.919 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 28 2300 11000 127.903 5.561 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 28 2300 11000 127.903 5.561 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 28 2300 11000 127.903 5.561 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 30 2310 8740 109.365 4.755 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 30 2310 9030 112.976 4.912 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 30 2310 9030 112.976 4.912 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 30 2310 9140 114.356 4.972 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 30 2310 9140 114.356 4.972 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 70 2600 5200 173.305 7.535 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 70 2600 5200 173.305 7.535 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 92 2400 7600 46.828 2.036 正火2级+实验报告抗锌腐蚀钢 XG08 92 2480 6200 46.828 2.036 正火2级+实验报告


热处理及冷拔硬化后,强度比较高,具有一定的柔韧性和可塑性; After heat treatment and cold drawing hardening, the strength is relatively high, and it has certain flexibility and plasticity. 相同表面状态和完全淬透情况下,疲劳极限与五彩合金弹簧相当。 The fatigue limit is equivalent to that of the multicolored alloy spring in the same surface condition and full quenching. 但淬透性 差,主要用于滴点大尺寸的弹簧,如调压调速调皮弹簧、测力弹簧、一般机械上的圆、方螺旋弹簧或拉成钢丝作小型机械上的弹簧。 But hardenability is very poor, it is mainly used for large size drop point of the spring, such as regulating speed naughty spring, spring load, general machinery of round, square spiral spring or pull wire for small mechanical spring. 中文名称:弹簧钢 Chinese name: spring steel 标准:GB/T 1222-2007 Standard: GB/T 1222-2007 特性 characteristic 材料名称:弹簧钢 Material name: spring steel 牌号:65mn Brand: 65 mn 标准:GB/T 1222-2007 Standard: GB/T 1222-2007 *特性及适用范围: * features and scope of application: *化学成份 * chemical composition 碳 C 硅 Si 锰 Mn 硫 S 磷 P 铬 Cr 镍 Ni 铜 Cu 0.62~0.70 0.17~0.37 0.90~1.20 ≤0.035 ≤0.035 ≤0.25 ≤0.25 ≤0.25 *力学性能 * mechanical properties 屈服强度 Rs (MPa) 伸长率 δ10 (%) 断面收缩率 ψ (%) 抗拉强度 Rb(MPa) ≥785 14~21.5 不小于10 ≥980 *硬度 * hardness 热轧硬度 冷轧软态硬度 冷轧硬态硬度 热处理硬度 240~270HB 190~220HB 300~340HB 38~60HRC *折叠热处理及规范 * folding heat treatment and specification 热轧钢材以热处理或不热处理状态交货,冷拉钢材以热处理状态交货。 The hot rolled steel is delivered in heat treatment or without heat treatment, and cold drawn steel is delivered in heat treatment. (2.0-16)*1250*C 莱钢 /热卷/热板 (2.0-16)*1250*C lai steel/hot roll/hot plate 50Mn (2.0-16)*1250*C 莱钢 /热卷/热板 50Mn (2.0-16)*1250*C lai steel/hot roll/hot plate 65Mn (2.0-16)*1010/1250*C 莱钢 /热卷/热板 65Mn (2.0-16)*1010/1250*C lai steel/hot roll/hot plate *退火规范 * annealing specification 传统周期性球化退火工艺,退火温度750℃,保温2h,炉冷到温度(680±10)℃,保温3h,再炉冷到550℃以后,出炉空冷。 Traditional spheroidizing annealing process, periodically annealing temperature is 750 ℃, 2 h insulation, furnace cooling to the temperature (680 + 10 ℃, heat preservation, 3 h, again after the oven to 550 ℃ cold, empty out cold. 生产效率低,氧化脱碳率达22%-40%,表面硬度及弹性达不到要求。 The production efficiency is low, the oxidation decarburization rate is 22%-40 %, the surface hardness and elastic cannot meet the requirements. 不完全退火新工艺,退火温度(740±10)℃,保温4h,炉冷到550℃以后,出炉空冷。 Incomplete annealing technology, anneal temperature (740 + 10) ℃, insulation 4 h, furnace cooling to 550 ℃, from air cooling. 抗拉强度600-620Mpa、伸长率53.5%-40%,硬度209-214HBW金相组织为球化珠光体+少量点状珠光体,缩短了生产周期,节省能源。 The tensile strength of 600-620mpa, elongation of 53.5%- 40%, hardness 209-214hbw metallographic tissue is spherified pearlite + a few point pearlite, shorten the production cycle and save energy. *退火新工艺 * new technology for annealing 传统退火工艺,退火温度730℃,保温13h,再炉冷到650℃以后,出炉空冷 Traditional annealing process, the annealing temperature 730 ℃, holding 13 h, again after the oven to 650 ℃ cold, empty out cold. 退火新工艺:退火温度(860±10)℃,保温45-60min,炉冷到(750±10)℃,保温3-3.5h,在炉冷至650-660℃以后,出炉堆冷或入保温坑缓冷。 Annealing processes: (860 + 10) ℃ annealing temperature, heat preservation for 45 to 60 min, furnace cooling to 750 + 10 ℃, heat preservation, 3-3.5 h, after the furnace cooling to 650-660 ℃, from pile of cold insulation or into the slow cooling pit. 金相组织符合要求:珠光体组织2.5-6级,以4级左右为佳,该工艺提高效率80%- 。 The metallographic organization meets the requirements: the pearlite organization is 2.5-6, which is better than 4 or so, which increases the efficiency by 80% to  . *热处理 * heat treatment 65Mn低合金圆钢必须应具备高的弹性极限和高的屈强比,以避免弹簧钢在高载荷下产生 变形; 65Mn low-alloy round steel must have high elastic limit and high yield ratio to avoid permanent distortion of spring steel under high loading.同时还要求有良好的淬透性和低的脱碳敏感性,使弹性极限大幅度降低; It also requires good hardenability and low decarbonization sensitivity to reduce the elastic limit. 以及良好的表面质量,在冷热状态下容易加工成形和良好的热处理工艺性。 And good surface quality, easy to process forming and good heat treatment process in cold and hot condition. 在热状态下成型的弹簧热成型弹簧钢的热处理工艺。 Heat treatment process of spring steel with spring heat forming in hot state. 用这种方法成型弹簧钢多数是将热成型和热处理结合在一起进行的,而螺旋弹簧钢则大多数是在热成型后再进行热处理。 In this way, most of the spring steel is combined with heat and heat treatment, while the helical spring steel is mostly heat treated after hot forming. 这种弹簧钢的热处理方式是淬火+中温回火,热处理后组织为回火托氏体。这种组织的弹性极限和屈服极限高,并有一定的韧性。 The heat treatment of this spring steel is quenching + medium temperature-temperature-temperature-temperature-temperature-temperature-temperature-tempering. he elastic limit and yield limit of this group is high and has some toughness. 采用全新的理念和方法,创新性地进行稳定性控制技术开发对 容易在这"0.4秒"时间里产生的"轧破、甩尾"等问题的形成机理进行认真分析,从减少轧辊受损、减少尾部跑偏等多个方面开展工作,经过3年多的软件程序开发、跟踪试验、评估、分析确定合理的工艺参数. Adopt new ideas and methods, innovative for stability control technology development to the most easily produced in the "0.4" time "squeeze broken, spin" issues such as the formation mechanism of serious analysis, thus reducing the roll is damaged, reduce the tail running deviation, and other aspects to carry out the work, after more than three years of software program development, tracking, testing, evaluation, analysis to determine the reasonable process parameters. 65Mn 钢板强度、硬度、弹性和淬透性均比65号钢高,具有过热敏感性和回火脆性倾向,水淬有形成裂纹倾向。 The strength, hardness, elasticity and hardenability of the 65Mn steel plate are higher than that of no.65 steel, which has the tendency of superheat sensitivity and tempering brittleness, and the water quenching has the tendency of forming crack. 退火态可切削性尚可,冷变形塑性低,焊接性差。 The annealing state can be machinable, cold deformation plastic and poor welding. 受中等载荷的板弹簧,直径达7-20mm的螺旋弹簧及弹簧垫圈.弹簧环。 The medium - loaded plate spring with a diameter of 7-20mm coil spring and spring washer. 高耐磨性零件,如磨床主轴、弹簧卡头、精密机床丝杆、切刀、螺旋辊子轴承上的套环、铁道钢轨等。 High wear resistant parts, such as grinder spindle, spring card head, precision machine tool wire rod, cutter, spiral roller bearing ring, railway rail, etc. 喻尚 0371-53377015 15639797063 Yu shang: 0371-53377015 15639797063 舞钢地址:舞钢市经济产业园区建设路195号 Address: no. 195, construction road, economic industrial park, Wugang city 郑州地址:郑州市航海路正商国际大厦9号0903室 Zhengzhou address: room 0903, no. 9, ZhengShang international building, Zheng Zhou-



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所在地区:河南 郑州


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